RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH

Our contact details

Postal address
Postfach 1162
76547 Sinzheim

Your message to us

Do you have questions about our offers, would you like to arrange a consultation or just give us feedback? Then just use our free contact service! We are pleased about your inquiry.

Your request
Your data

Datenschutz: Yes, I have read the privacy policy and I agree that the data given by me will be collected and stored electronically for processing and answering my request. By submitting the contact form I agree to the processing. | * Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Headquarters and administration

Landstraße 14
76547  Sinzheim


Victoria Boulevard E200
77836 Rheinmünster-Söllingen

Service- and training center

Laval Avenue E211
77836 Rheinmünster

Test hall

Yellowknife Avenue D106
77836 Rheinmünster